
Tuesday 2 June 2009

Another Mini Madoff Fraud Alert

I'll some up this juicy story, but I suggest reading the full posts and comments( my comments are most notably the best :>)
So LT (aka Lonely Trader, aka Jason Bourne) found a guy in San Diego that was trading a 10 million dollar forex account at the Currency Cafe (aka Douche Central) and from a few sources sounded to be legit. LT sat with the guy named Lee (aka Mini Madoff) a few times and saw how he traded and was impressed and was about ready to slap down his life savings to the guy (150 dollars or some big number). However, just by chance, a guy that was defrauded by Mini Madoff was looking for his videos on youtube to show to his wife and just by chance stumbled upon LT's "LonelyTrader Blog" where he was telling the blogging community (me, FX, LT, Jules, TraderGav, and a couple other third tier blogs) about his recent encounter with a "Multi Million dollar Hedge fund trader; aka Lee Madoff Young". BAAAMMOO!!!!!!
Mr.Good Samiritan emailed LT and immediatly informed him of the fruad Lee Madoff was.
LT Pulled out his funds from Mini Madoff so fast it was reminescent of the Pullout scene in Debbie does Dallas Part II. The Moral of the story is, Google is like a God,, it saves money and sometimes peoples lives, via search results everyday.

Part 1.Another non-trading trading experience

Part 2.Lee Young, Pt II

Part 3.The Lonely Trader has been duped

Here's Lee Madoff's youtube Channel- He gives away SECRETS!!!!! (ROFL)


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