
Thursday 7 August 2008


Daily chart of SPY : 38% fib, Critical level here.

Position update-I closed my overnight YM short when I got home from work around close to midnight near the lows and made a video while talking to J on ustream.

Things to do-
Since I started the online chat(2 days now) I've done a bad job of trading. My goal is to get back into trading off my signals and keeping an eye on internals. I will going off my YM chart signals and NYSE A/D and NYSE TICK for market breadth.

If you guys have suggestions for the Live Trading room leave a comment. We could listen to Bloomberg for the first 2 hours of market open if you prefer. I'm just use to CNBC, even with all their bullshit and shenanigans.

I'm disabling comment moderation, so comments can be seen while I'm away at work or at da GYM. If any of you shit heads start up I'll put moderation back on.

Today we have an auction of the 30yr bond. Yesterday we had the 10yr auction. I was really wondering why bonds were selling off so hard in the morning and I'm guessing this was the main reason. We may see a repeat in bearishness in ZB during the first half of the morning. (Tentative treasury auction calendar)

I went to the Motley Crue concert Tuesday night and it was awesome. I'll make a post about it later. I was surprised to see that Papa Roach was one of the best bands playing. They fucking rocked.(So did Motley Crue, Tommy Lee was funny).Here is a video of them in a music video at what looks to be the CME SP pits.


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