
Tuesday 30 September 2008

Wannabe Strippers

Looking for some hot young chicks that are into kinky stuff like Pole dancing? Then look no further.

Here's a few tips ladies-

Can you imagine what would happen if there was a fight,,,

Also, make sure you don't make this mistake-

Family Guy famous Stripper Quote-
Peter talking to the camera: ...but I'll tell you what's not cool--killing strippers. Strippers are people too; naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there's no reason to kill them, 'cause most of them are already dead inside...Good night, folks!

Wannabe Strippers

Looking for some hot young chicks that are into kinky stuff like Pole dancing? Then look no further.

Here's a few tips ladies-

Can you imagine what would happen if there was a fight,,,

Also, make sure you don't make this mistake-

Family Guy famous Stripper Quote-
Peter talking to the camera: ...but I'll tell you what's not cool--killing strippers. Strippers are people too; naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there's no reason to kill them, 'cause most of them are already dead inside...Good night, folks!

Monday 29 September 2008

Washington is on Plan B

Normally girls use Plan B after they get F*cked. The latest news is that Washington may be taking the contraceptive.

Washington is on Plan B

Normally girls use Plan B after they get F*cked. The latest news is that Washington may be taking the contraceptive.

Funniest Porno Ever

You have to watch this.

Diesel's SFW XXX Party Clip - Watch more free videos

Props to BlueDog for finding it!

Funniest Porno Ever

You have to watch this.

Diesel's SFW XXX Party Clip - Watch more free videos

Props to BlueDog for finding it!

Maxiumum Pain is Coming

“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.”

A couple threads from "Elite Trader" (A sign the longs are still praying for a bounce"

Emergency Rate Cut Tomorrow?

Margin Call

Maxiumum Pain is Coming

“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.”

A couple threads from "Elite Trader" (A sign the longs are still praying for a bounce"

Emergency Rate Cut Tomorrow?

Margin Call

Crazy Stock Market Day

Undoubtedly, there was huge sums of money lost and made today. I cut profits too soon twice today which cost me probably 2k in profits(Hold the trade until you get a reversal signal). I also put on 2 bad trades that weren't based off signals and it cost me some lost profits. Today was a great day to use momentum strategies, a strategy day traders love. I made a good amount of money today. No records broken, but a good day nonetheless.

Crazy Stock Market Day

Undoubtedly, there was huge sums of money lost and made today. I cut profits too soon twice today which cost me probably 2k in profits(Hold the trade until you get a reversal signal). I also put on 2 bad trades that weren't based off signals and it cost me some lost profits. Today was a great day to use momentum strategies, a strategy day traders love. I made a good amount of money today. No records broken, but a good day nonetheless.

Sunday 28 September 2008

The Media as a Market Bottom indicator

Besides the anti-investing comedy by SNL, I really am seeing a lot of people worry about there investments and 401k's.

The Media as a Market Bottom indicator

Besides the anti-investing comedy by SNL, I really am seeing a lot of people worry about there investments and 401k's.

Traders Education

I've put together some of my favorite links to past posts that may help traders.

Reflection on a bad day

Drilling for trading perfection

Top Ten Trading Mistakes

What does it take to be a successful trader - By Lord Tedders

The Holy Grail Setup - By Trader Stewie

Overnight Hold Trade Setup by Trader Stewie

Linda Rascke's Holy Grail Setup

Jeff Quinto on when to Press Trades

Dr.Steenbarger's observations of failing Traders

Denial as a Trading Motivation from TraderFeed

Dr.Steenbargers most devastating loss

Traders Education

I've put together some of my favorite links to past posts that may help traders.

Reflection on a bad day

Drilling for trading perfection

Top Ten Trading Mistakes

What does it take to be a successful trader - By Lord Tedders

The Holy Grail Setup - By Trader Stewie

Overnight Hold Trade Setup by Trader Stewie

Linda Rascke's Holy Grail Setup

Jeff Quinto on when to Press Trades

Dr.Steenbarger's observations of failing Traders

Denial as a Trading Motivation from TraderFeed

Dr.Steenbargers most devastating loss

Friday 26 September 2008

Things to do

After trading for 22 hours yesterday and 6 hours today, I'm taking a rest this weekend.
Things to do later this week-
Explain the indicators on the charts and make instructional video.
Go over trading rules and make instructional video.

I will be doing a chart analysis and market outlook Sunday night on Ustream at 9pm PST.

Things to do

After trading for 22 hours yesterday and 6 hours today, I'm taking a rest this weekend.
Things to do later this week-
Explain the indicators on the charts and make instructional video.
Go over trading rules and make instructional video.

I will be doing a chart analysis and market outlook Sunday night on Ustream at 9pm PST.

Wamu Bad news is Good news

What Market Crash? HPT lives to trade another day.

I Need to work on taking my trade signals, because I would have made a lot more today having done so.

Wamu Bad news is Good news

What Market Crash? HPT lives to trade another day.

I Need to work on taking my trade signals, because I would have made a lot more today having done so.

JP Morgan Wamu

Don't look now, but your bank just vanished.

Bank gone. I'm watching my 401k go to zero. House price dropping. Unemployment is next. Living the American Dream. Thank you.

JP Morgan Wamu

Don't look now, but your bank just vanished.

Bank gone. I'm watching my 401k go to zero. House price dropping. Unemployment is next. Living the American Dream. Thank you.

BUY BUY BUY,,,,100% up room to GO!

I thought the WaMu news was actually good for the economy. No FDIC failures. No treasury issues. It seems a lot of the problems stemmed around Wamu finding a suitor.
The market is down because congress cant decide on a bailout plan. Is the indecision by congress something we haven't ever seen before? People should be happy we aren't spending 700 billion on another big bailout. Better for the US dollar and the economy. Good Luck longs. The end/bottom is near-er.

BUY BUY BUY,,,,100% up room to GO!

I thought the WaMu news was actually good for the economy. No FDIC failures. No treasury issues. It seems a lot of the problems stemmed around Wamu finding a suitor.
The market is down because congress cant decide on a bailout plan. Is the indecision by congress something we haven't ever seen before? People should be happy we aren't spending 700 billion on another big bailout. Better for the US dollar and the economy. Good Luck longs. The end/bottom is near-er.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Wamu Bank Run

It's official, JPM buying Wamu Deposits and selling off the rest of the company.
I gotta run to the bank. Later Guys.

Wamu Bank Run

It's official, JPM buying Wamu Deposits and selling off the rest of the company.
I gotta run to the bank. Later Guys.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Ron Paul Vs. Bernanke Video

The sound and video doesn't line up correctly, sorry.

Webcam chat at Ustream

Ron Paul Vs. Bernanke Video

The sound and video doesn't line up correctly, sorry.

Webcam chat at Ustream

Successful Day HPT's Live Chat Room

Well, Today was a good day for the guys in the room. The trade signals seemed to work pretty well. I'm working on holding my trades longer. I cut myself off about 8pts on my gold short and 10pts on my NQ long at the close. Of course we got Gasparino coming in 10min before the close on CNBC to pulloff a 100pt rally on some more rumors about what the FED is going to next. Some shorts that weren't watching there positions closely, got ZOLTED pretty bad.

For ForexIntraday and the rest of the guys-

Here's a live Trade from today-

Free video chat by Ustream

Successful Day HPT's Live Chat Room

Well, Today was a good day for the guys in the room. The trade signals seemed to work pretty well. I'm working on holding my trades longer. I cut myself off about 8pts on my gold short and 10pts on my NQ long at the close. Of course we got Gasparino coming in 10min before the close on CNBC to pulloff a 100pt rally on some more rumors about what the FED is going to next. Some shorts that weren't watching there positions closely, got ZOLTED pretty bad.

For ForexIntraday and the rest of the guys-

Here's a live Trade from today-

Free video chat by Ustream

Tuesday 23 September 2008

paulson bernanke senate banking committee meeting testimony

paulson bernanke senate banking committee meeting testimony

Internet Problems

I'm having problems with Comcast this week, as they are doing service in my neighborhood. Dam internet went out at 7:20, right before the 100pt sell off. At least I had no open positions. I called Comcast and they are going to credit the account a whole $25 for all the troubles. Yeppie. What a joke.

I'll be back tonight streaming live as long as Comcast is working.

Internet Problems

I'm having problems with Comcast this week, as they are doing service in my neighborhood. Dam internet went out at 7:20, right before the 100pt sell off. At least I had no open positions. I called Comcast and they are going to credit the account a whole $25 for all the troubles. Yeppie. What a joke.

I'll be back tonight streaming live as long as Comcast is working.

Monday 22 September 2008

Epic Crude Oil Short Squeeze

Largest Crude Oil Move ever comes a few days after the biggest Gold move ever, all happening STRATEGICALLY on OPEX expiry.

Live streaming video by Ustream

Epic Crude Oil Short Squeeze

Largest Crude Oil Move ever comes a few days after the biggest Gold move ever, all happening STRATEGICALLY on OPEX expiry.

Live streaming video by Ustream

Short Traders Were Screwed over

What about the Proshare INVERSE ETFS that must be SHORT Financials in order for the ETF accordingly.

Following the announcement of the ban on short sales, two ProShares inverse funds (including the widely held UltraShort Financials ProShares (NasdaqGS:SKF - News)) ceased trading for a couple hours this morning in order to give the issuer a chance to sort through the implications of these government actions.

Why did SKF and SEF stop trading?

As previously discussed, due to the short-selling ban on financial stocks, there are no counterparties willing to buy/write the issuers' swap agreements, as the wide sweeping ban on shorting financial stocks means that the counterparty would be unable to hedge away its exposure. The shares of these ProShares ETFs did resume trading in the financial markets today, but they seem to be trading at prices that are not in line with their intraday indicative values. This is to be expected, however, based on the simple laws of supply and demand. Viewed as one of the remaining avenues to gain short exposure to the financial sector, the demand for the SKF and SEF were expected to explode. Essentially, all who were covering their existing short positions in response to the ban were expected to attempt to gain short exposure via these inverse financial sector ETFs.

Thus, ProShares contacted the American Stock Exchange this morning to note that it was not planning to create new shares in light of the SEC's unprecedented ban on shorting 799 financial stocks. The AMEX responded by halting trading on the securities to prevent huge diversions between the indicative benchmark value and market price.

Short Traders Were Screwed over

What about the Proshare INVERSE ETFS that must be SHORT Financials in order for the ETF accordingly.

Following the announcement of the ban on short sales, two ProShares inverse funds (including the widely held UltraShort Financials ProShares (NasdaqGS:SKF - News)) ceased trading for a couple hours this morning in order to give the issuer a chance to sort through the implications of these government actions.

Why did SKF and SEF stop trading?

As previously discussed, due to the short-selling ban on financial stocks, there are no counterparties willing to buy/write the issuers' swap agreements, as the wide sweeping ban on shorting financial stocks means that the counterparty would be unable to hedge away its exposure. The shares of these ProShares ETFs did resume trading in the financial markets today, but they seem to be trading at prices that are not in line with their intraday indicative values. This is to be expected, however, based on the simple laws of supply and demand. Viewed as one of the remaining avenues to gain short exposure to the financial sector, the demand for the SKF and SEF were expected to explode. Essentially, all who were covering their existing short positions in response to the ban were expected to attempt to gain short exposure via these inverse financial sector ETFs.

Thus, ProShares contacted the American Stock Exchange this morning to note that it was not planning to create new shares in light of the SEC's unprecedented ban on shorting 799 financial stocks. The AMEX responded by halting trading on the securities to prevent huge diversions between the indicative benchmark value and market price.

FED owns Wall Street

Mergers and acquisitions. Make no mistake about. Wall Street will never be the same.
The FED now owns Wall Street.

FED owns Wall Street

Mergers and acquisitions. Make no mistake about. Wall Street will never be the same.
The FED now owns Wall Street.

Sunday 21 September 2008

A Financial Train Wreck

A few quotes from this week-
"I don't want the American taxpayer to get this bad debt and then the guy (whose company once held the bad loans) gets millions of dollars on his way out the door," said House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass.

Paulson said that "it pains me tremendously to have the American taxpayer put in this position but it is better than the alternative."

My edge is completely gone and the government is now in full control of your money. So sad. (howardlindzon)

When the markets inevitably start going into freefall again, everyone will say "That short covering rally should be coming soon. Oh wait, no short-sellers??? Damn, maybe shouldn't have banned that..." (HCF comment on bigpicture)

The U.S. Government's historic reaction to the financial crisis firmly puts us in a place not seen in generations. We have officially crossed the line from capitalism to socialism in less than a week. The Fed synthetically owns Wall Street as we speak. The historic checks and balances built into the system, e.g., the ability to freely buy and sell, have been suspended for a large segment of the market. While the sayings "Wall Street privatizes gains and socializes losses" and "When there is too much capitalism you need a little socialism, and when there is too much socialism you need a little capitalism" have had symbolic meaning to me, they have never sounded so true than they have this week. (Information Arbitrage)

A Financial Train Wreck

A few quotes from this week-
"I don't want the American taxpayer to get this bad debt and then the guy (whose company once held the bad loans) gets millions of dollars on his way out the door," said House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass.

Paulson said that "it pains me tremendously to have the American taxpayer put in this position but it is better than the alternative."

My edge is completely gone and the government is now in full control of your money. So sad. (howardlindzon)

When the markets inevitably start going into freefall again, everyone will say "That short covering rally should be coming soon. Oh wait, no short-sellers??? Damn, maybe shouldn't have banned that..." (HCF comment on bigpicture)

The U.S. Government's historic reaction to the financial crisis firmly puts us in a place not seen in generations. We have officially crossed the line from capitalism to socialism in less than a week. The Fed synthetically owns Wall Street as we speak. The historic checks and balances built into the system, e.g., the ability to freely buy and sell, have been suspended for a large segment of the market. While the sayings "Wall Street privatizes gains and socializes losses" and "When there is too much capitalism you need a little socialism, and when there is too much socialism you need a little capitalism" have had symbolic meaning to me, they have never sounded so true than they have this week. (Information Arbitrage)

Saturday 20 September 2008

US Government manipulates Stock Market

The SEC's actions on Thursday to BAN short Selling on Financials was CORRUPT.
But what where they suppose to do?
Let WaMu go under, which would then cause the FDIC to fail because there wasn't enough reserves to cover the customers deposits(overleveraged), which in turn would cause a run on the banks, which in turn,,,,,A CHAIN REACTION....

We have a major problem now. Traders do not believe this run up in the stock market. IT WAS MANIPULATED BY THE US GOVERNMENT. This is NOT A FREE MARKET.
The Traders that covered there shorts WILL NOT BUY FINANCIALS and the common investors will not BUY at these levels. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE THINKS. One way markets fall off cliffs. The SEC and US government made another bad choice.


Jefferson Kroll got ZOLTED-

US Government manipulates Stock Market

The SEC's actions on Thursday to BAN short Selling on Financials was CORRUPT.
But what where they suppose to do?
Let WaMu go under, which would then cause the FDIC to fail because there wasn't enough reserves to cover the customers deposits(overleveraged), which in turn would cause a run on the banks, which in turn,,,,,A CHAIN REACTION....

We have a major problem now. Traders do not believe this run up in the stock market. IT WAS MANIPULATED BY THE US GOVERNMENT. This is NOT A FREE MARKET.
The Traders that covered there shorts WILL NOT BUY FINANCIALS and the common investors will not BUY at these levels. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE THINKS. One way markets fall off cliffs. The SEC and US government made another bad choice.


Jefferson Kroll got ZOLTED-

Don Harold is PISSED!

September 19, 2008

The day Before - September 18, 2008

Don Harold is PISSED!

September 19, 2008

The day Before - September 18, 2008

Friday 19 September 2008

Selling My Virginity


Hot Chicks Auctions Off Her Virginity - Watch more free videos

Selling My Virginity


Hot Chicks Auctions Off Her Virginity - Watch more free videos

CNBC Video- Uptick rule, SEC bans short selling, market manipulation

The SEC bans short selling on financial stocks, the case against the SEC and Government bailout of the Stock Market.

Live Streaming by Ustream.TV

Good Job Interactive Brokers

I'd like to compliment my broker for giving me no problems this week.
I heard that there were several brokers that had issues.
I however did have problems with my internet provide comcast.
My internet went out 35 minutes before close on Wednesday when I was short YM right at the markets peak before rolling over 300pts into the close. I called my broker immediately (having stops already in place on the DOM), and I closed my short position. I would have made $4,500 if I held that trade into the close. Some of you may say that I can't blame COMCAST, but I'm blaming them to make myself feel better about not holding that trade.

I lost money yesterday but I finished Positive on the week.

HPT Trader Live Trading September 19 2008

Skip ahead 18 min to see trading at the open.

Today futures went limit up. A day many traders have never seen before. Here's my trading from the open. Sound doesn't come in for video until around 10min. The Chart isn't frozen on ES, ES FUTURES ARE LIMIT UP!!! Skip ahead 13 min to see other charts.

Streaming live video by Ustream

Cramer on The Fed Bailout and Great Depression 2

Live TV by Ustream

Prank Call on Cramer from Borat

Live TV by Ustream

What happens Friday after close

Its Friday. D-DAY. Will the FDIC get another bank to add to their failed bank list or not?

I wouldn't be long the US dollar going into this weekend. Those are my thoughts.

I'm trying to analyze todays rally.

Lets face the facts. The government is accusing institutions of spreading rumors and causing stocks to sell off hard and they are blaming short selling.

Obviously we were oversold, but was the buying caused by the rumors of another short selling ban? Or was it rumors of the US government setting up another bailout?

Who's the one spreading rumors now?

Was the government blaming short selling when we were making new highs last year?
Or could the selling be because all of these big banks lied and had major loses?

Investors withdrew money from money market funds and mutual funds in epic proportions the last month, especially this week. Surely some of this weeks selling in the market was forced due to hedge fund liquidations, but no one knows for sure if we are out of the woods yet.

Good Luck People

Thursday 18 September 2008


Free video chat by Ustream

SEC Bails out Wall Street, Shorts forced to covere September 19, 2008

SEC bans short-selling of 799 financial stocks

This is market manipulation at its greatest. It happens on a quadruple witching OPEX Friday. US citizens will pay in the end.

Market Bottom

Look, we either crash on monday over a Wamu failure or we bounce.

Bond yields will not get this low again,,,I think.. (unless FDIC has problems)

Anyway, here's your magic BUY INDICATOR. If it fails, consider the market,,,,done.

Cramer Says Sell September 18, 2008 Video

Thank Cramer, He just put in the Bottom.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Breaking News- You heard it here first

Breaking News
ES Live Chart- YEPPERS
Free TV : Ustream

GOLDs Biggest Gain ever!?

Holy Smokes, Gold up over 80pts today!!!!


Scarred Shitless

I have no clue where we will go. The fear is high. The type of fear you see at lows.
My thinking is that if WaMu goes under, like the rest of the failed institutions, then there will be a run on the banks. The problem is the FDIC doesn't have enough money to insure a bank that big.
The FDIC even said that, the writing is on the wall. The Russian stock market is crashing.
If Wamu goes, expect a US stock market drop and the US dollar to drop.

Its time for the Call of the Warriors

Good luck everyone

NQ weak and ES strong

That's what it looks like. Not sure why. but bearish divergence on NQ for some reason. ER2 had a 40pt range yesterday. From 778 to 720 in the after hours. CRAZY

Tuesday 16 September 2008

AIG bailout- help save the world

I can't help but laugh at the auctions going on at Ebay. Last night I saw an auction for Lehman Brothers for 99 million. This one is even better. AIG save the world Bag

The Sellers name is hopingforseverance and this is the description of the Bag-

"As you may have heard, an AIG collapse is imminent and would cause a catastrophic global economic depression. In order to stave off such a catastrophic event AIG needs $20 Billion in capital. Therefore, to rescue the world from this debacle, I am auctioning off this authentic AIG Emergency Bag in hopes of raising the required $40 Billion. This very stylish bag can be used as a backpack during both emergency and non-emergency situations and can hold up to $75 Billion (must use really large denomination bills) which is exactly the amount needed to salvage AIG from ruin. Although not photographed here, the bag comes with a pair of goggles and a gas mask issued to me on orientation day at AIG. The gas mask is unused, however I did put the goggles on a few times and run around the office (Christmas parties, Wednesdays, things like that)."

In real news- The Government is Bailing out AIG for $75 Billion.
"The Federal Reserve said Tuesday it would provide up to $85 billion in an emergency, two-year loan to rescue AIG, which teetered on the edge of failure because of stresses caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market and the credit crunch that ensued. In return, the government will get a 79.9 percent stake in AIG and the right to remove senior management.")(Reuters)

The Stock Market will Rally Hard?

Back in June I predicted the Market was going to go LIMP.

When the Cock and Balls hit 117, we jerked upwards quickly. I want to strongly advise all shorts that this is OPEX week, and when the Cock and Balls get this low, they tend to jolt up, and OPEX week works like Viagra, so the move will be violent.

SPY could bounce to 128 by Friday....

Jim Cramer



A Day Traders Market

The swings in stocks and futures are pretty volatile these days. 30-50pt swings on the Dow Jones in a few minutes time. Rumors come out during the day and you see stocks like AIG pop a dollar, only to see the move get faded over the next 30min. You cannot be married to a position for long in this market.

I fear the worst for the stock market

Yesterday I saw a spike in visitor traffic. Most people ventured here on concerns of:
What if AIG goes bankrupt?
What happens to my mutual fund?
What happens if Washington Mutual goes bankrupt?

People are worried for good reason. I'd like to think that right now is a perfect time to buy stocks with the current market turmoil, but I fear the worst for our market.
I know there are a lot of long term investors out there that are stubborn when it comes to holding positions and that they think everything will be fine once all of this LEH, AIG, FRE, and FNM mess is over with, but unless the stock is at ZERO, we haven't seen a bottom.
I was looking at the Russian Market, and just in the last 4 months, the Russian stock market has dropped 50%. Yesterday the RTSI had to halt trading as the stock market dropped 17%.
"Russia's two biggest banks, led the decline in Moscow, falling 23 percent and 31 percent respectively. Financial stocks worldwide slid after American International Group Inc., the biggest U.S. insurer, had its credit ratings downgraded." (Bloomberg)

The VIX and More has been putting some nice pieces together and his blog is worth checking out.

Remember, its OPEX week and crazy trading is going to be seen. The market could rally 1000pts in the next few days or we could see another big drop in the market.
All I know for sure is, that I would fear holding anything over the weekend considering the stance that WaMu and AIG are currently in.

FOMC leaves interest rate unchanged

A crazy day to say the least. I'm kicking myself for covering my ZB short and selling my YM long so soon. There will always be another day. I really feel like shorting ZB on every bounce up, as I believe US Treasury yields will go up from here.

FED seeking Bailout

Live Video Up

These markets are too Crazy not to watch.

High Probability Trading Live

Streaming Video by Ustream.TV

FOMC interest rate decision today

Today's the big day. Good luck people. I have no clue where interest rates will go, but I am expecting rates to stay unchanged.

Monday 15 September 2008

LEH - Serious Video

Awesome Wall Street Prank - Watch more free videos

Kudos to BlueDog for finding it.

Stock Futures Down

The selling keeps coming. Max pain will come. Dow futures down -150 on top of todays 500pt drop.

Stock market will rally Video


Edit: Dam, that is the wrong video.

Don't worry people. I'm sure there is a video out there that will tell you everything in the stock market is fine, I just can't seem to find it right now. Time to go workout on the Gazelle. Be back later.

SIPC and LEH bankruptcy

From the SIPC website.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - September 15, 2008 – The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), which maintains a special reserve fund authorized by Congress to help investors at failed brokerage firms, issued the following statement this morning in relation to reports about the bankruptcy filing of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.

SIPC President Stephen Harbeck said: “SIPC has not initiated a liquidation proceeding against the broker-dealer Lehman Brothers Inc. and we do not currently anticipate doing so. As of this morning, it appears that all customer cash, stocks and other securities are accounted for.

It is important to understand that the holdings of broker-dealer Lehman Brothers Inc., would not be directly impacted by a bankruptcy filing at the separate entity Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.

Should the situation at Lehman Brothers Inc. change in some material way not now anticipated by SIPC and regulators, we will, of course, intervene as necessary to protect the cash and securities of customers. However, I want to underscore that such an action is considered unlikely at this time.

SIPC is working closely with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to monitor the situation at Lehman Brothers Inc.

The Securities Investor Protection Corporation remains vigilant and committed to our core mission: When a brokerage firm is closed due to bankruptcy or other financial difficulties and customer assets are missing, SIPC steps in as quickly as possible and, within certain limits, works to return customers' cash, stock and other securities. Without SIPC, investors at financially troubled brokerage firms might lose their securities or money forever or wait for years while their assets are tied up in court."

Sunday 14 September 2008

What happens if my Broker goes bankrupt?

Your stock portfolio holdings or mutual fund value depends on the stock market values of all the stocks held in the fund, so you are fine unless the US stock market crashes. If your Broker files for bankruptcy over the weekend and you can't trade because your broker is out of business, you should be able to transfer your holdings to another broker.

If your broker goes bankrupt then the SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) will replace up to $100,000 in cash and $400,000 in securities. SIPC is a nonprofit, private organization that insures the assets of customers of broker-dealers registered with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) . To see the fine print check the SIPC website.

This leads into the question, what happens if my bank goes bankrupt? You are insured up to $100k as long as the Bank if FDIC insured. However, do you want to deal with the hassel of waiting in line if there is a run on your bank. The strongest survive theme applies here too, WaMu customers are leaving and going to Bank of America.

What happens if AIG goes Bankrupt? Your broker is suppose to have reserves set aside encase they go belly up. If the reserves are not big enough to handle the claims, then there are state guaranty funds that should cover the claims. To see how much your covered by your state if your broker fails, check the Annuity Advantage Website.

To see the fine print on the Guaranty laws check the The National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) website.

Weekend holders

I hope you all learned something from when I held over the weekend and made my famous blowup video, because this looks like another repeat.

Friday 12 September 2008

New Trading Blogs

I'd like to highlight some new blogs I've been checking out lately.

Jules in Jumbles- This blog is about a female futures trader. She's fairly new to the game but so far pretty consistent. She's been trading ER2, but will likely make the switch to the Mid-Cap contract with ER2 moving to ICE. She posts her daily trading logs(something I use to do that readers loved), and she makes posts about her life, which I like most of all.

Sage- He's a Trader in the Virtual Office that Trades mainly ES. He's works a full time job, lives in Asia, and trades the US markets at night. He also posts his trade logs.

Ainkurn- He use to be a trader in DT's Virtual Office, but has now become a financial Adviser. It's interesting to read all the tests he's had to take and what the typical day is like for a financial adviser.

Trader Bubs- Also an old Trader from DT's VO, Bubs is still trading and working on becoming wealthy.

Match Point Trader- A US Day Trader.

Todds Trade- A Day Trader. He posts charts, analysis, and articles.

Index Views
- Analysis of US and Indian Markets. Persistance works my friend.

To see the list of past blogs featured, check the Label- Trading Blogs

Quiet Before the Storm

I just want to relax. No worries about hurricanes, financial disasters, or politics.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Are LEH and WM headed for Zero?

Mortgage rates have spiked lower dramatically.
How low will mortgage rates go? When the 2yr treasury note is yielding 1%, maybe we'll be closer to the bottom.
ZB is grinding higher, yields continue lower, and more financial stocks like LEH and WM go lower. You have to question the drop in yields in conjunction with the weakness in these stocks. Is the price action suggesting one or both of these stocks will go under. And if these companies go under what effect will this have on US treasuries. Definetily a spike lower will occur just like we saw with the Bear sterns bailout. The question is, if and when will it happen.
What are blogs saying about FRE, FNM, LEH, and WM?