
Tuesday 16 September 2008

AIG bailout- help save the world

I can't help but laugh at the auctions going on at Ebay. Last night I saw an auction for Lehman Brothers for 99 million. This one is even better. AIG save the world Bag

The Sellers name is hopingforseverance and this is the description of the Bag-

"As you may have heard, an AIG collapse is imminent and would cause a catastrophic global economic depression. In order to stave off such a catastrophic event AIG needs $20 Billion in capital. Therefore, to rescue the world from this debacle, I am auctioning off this authentic AIG Emergency Bag in hopes of raising the required $40 Billion. This very stylish bag can be used as a backpack during both emergency and non-emergency situations and can hold up to $75 Billion (must use really large denomination bills) which is exactly the amount needed to salvage AIG from ruin. Although not photographed here, the bag comes with a pair of goggles and a gas mask issued to me on orientation day at AIG. The gas mask is unused, however I did put the goggles on a few times and run around the office (Christmas parties, Wednesdays, things like that)."

In real news- The Government is Bailing out AIG for $75 Billion.
"The Federal Reserve said Tuesday it would provide up to $85 billion in an emergency, two-year loan to rescue AIG, which teetered on the edge of failure because of stresses caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market and the credit crunch that ensued. In return, the government will get a 79.9 percent stake in AIG and the right to remove senior management.")(Reuters)


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