
Wednesday 28 March 2007

March 28 Trade Summary

Last night I stayed up till 1am trading the Euro and british pound on the simulator. I got up late, still feeling crappy from the flu, and wasted the morning watching the currencies and tried trading the swiss franc (CHF) by doing some correlation analysis between oil, gold, and the euro. I then watched oil and placed trades mentally.

I should have been trading ER2 this morning instead, because I have more experience trading it and there was easy money to be made this morning. I just didn't feel in the grove and was hesitant to take my trade signals this morning.

Market Observations:
It seems like we get a pop in the bond futures and JPY every morning and then you just see them getting faded for the rest of the day. Today I watched the morning initial balance, went back to sleep, came back and shorted VAH on ER2, and then took profits too soon as usual.

My thoughts on my Trading performance:
I'm bored and don't feel like trading or doing anything related to the stock market right now. I'm starting to worry because it's been over a month since I've had a losing day and each day the market seems like it is getting easier to read. I've had 2 or 3 losing days this year, with 2 of those days being big losing days. I'm starting to wonder when that next big losing day is going to come. I'm feeling a little hesitant lately and I think I know what it is. The problem is still there. My biggest problem of all. The "P/L". I wish this option on my trading workstation would just go away, as well as the account balance. I believe this is the problem that is holding me back from making more money. If I could go one day without looking at my P/L it would be a miracle. I'm deleting these features from my workstation right now. I don't know if I can hold out without knowing my daily P/L, but I'm going to make it my goal to try to do this for the next week. I tried this last month and I failed. I don't know if I'm the only person affected by this problem, but it is a major psychological barrier for me that is holding me back from becoming a better trader.

I feel like I've been in front of this computer for days. I actually look forward to having to go to work sometimes to take my mind off the market. If I'm not at work or the gym, I'm in front of this computer doing something related to the stock market, whether its trading or research. I know I need to post some charts on my favorite setups, but I really feel like going outside and getting away from the market for a bit. I'm gonna go rent that movie with Will Smith, "The pursuit of happiness", and maybe that will give me some motivation to work harder and become a better trader.

Quote of the day:
During the journey we commonly forget its goal. Almost every profession is chosen as a means to an end but continued as an end in itself. Forgetting our objectives is the most frequent act of stupidity.
-Friedrich Nietzsche


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