
Monday 2 June 2008

Adult material being shown on Blog now.

Occasionally I'll come across some really funny stuff on the internet that is X rated that I want to share. Just basically really shocking pictures, it may be sexually related, someone getting OWND, or just something really weird. Anyway, I was thinking like a picture for the day, kinda like Trading Goddess does, except more twisted and not always hot chicks in bikinis and lingerie.

PS. I just visited Trading Goddess's website and there wasn't much clevage to be found and I noticed a shit load of Ads. The Boob to Ad ratio on this website is way out of wack, and if Trading Goddess wants to keep in the running for Top Trading Blog, things need to be corrected soon, because I certainly don't read anything on that website.

Also, Trading Fraternity and Trader Eyal have been added back to the Blog roll. I still hate both of you.

I noticed gas prices went up like another 15 cents this week in my city. I may start car pooling with my neighbor; Veronica, pictured here.


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