
Wednesday 6 June 2007

June 6 Trade Summary $2,656

I hit my goal mid-day and then took a break and came back and did some light scalping on YM, ER2 and some stocks. GOOG seems easy to market make, but can be dangerous if it has a breakout. If you were long into the close and you got hit you can thank the tech sector for crushing your position. Overall I traded conservatively today and traded smaller size and focused on my setups. Today was pretty much a stressless day.

P/L= $2,656 (45 RT ER2, 24 RT YM, 1 RT CL, 2s GOOG, 4s SMH- all winners)

Market Observations-
GOOG had a nice late day breakout as soon as the market showed a little bit of bullishness. SMH and Financials got hit hard today. Crude Oil didn't do much. ZN is going up?? Look out equities!


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