
Friday 17 August 2007

Aug 17 $1,000 on 84 contracts

If you know what the max pain theory is,,,,it just happened this morning, the biggest max pain move I've ever seen. Although I think this mornings pop was totally setup, I won't complain because it has provided some great volatility to trade. I really had no setups today that I took, the only thing I did that made me money today was cut my losses fast and tried adding size to my winners while trailing my profit, and this strategy worked because of strong momentum moves that would allow me to trail my profits without getting chopped to pieces. I wish I would have shorted ER2 around that 15min mark and rode it down for a nice 20pts. Cramer made a call into CNBC right at the high saying that the market was going to 14,500 and that everything was just peachy,,,,,NICE CALL,,,,for a SHORT SIGNAL!!! Although there has been big moves lately I still haven't caught a big one, which makes me think I need to do move drilling to perfect my executions and analysis of my charts. Not bad for an hours work. Almost 100 contracts traded in the first hour by me,,,that's gotta be a record. I traded ES instead of ER2 because I wanted to make sure I got good fills when using my stops. Gotta leave for work

P/L= $1,000 on 84 contracts


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