
Monday 20 August 2007

Aug 20 $1k on 49c

Traded the first 90 minutes, my most productive time period as usual, and now I'm going to take care of other things. The market is chopping, I hit my daily goal, and I have to leave for work in about an hour, so I'm quiting early. I'm expecting a retest to VWAP later in the day. I was down as much as $900 on having a string of losers, but then I got a runner on ER2 for about 2+pts in which I had buy stops in place to add to the winner, which helped me turn my loss into a profit. Mondays following OPEX are notorious for being choppy and based on my past results I have underperformed trading these days.

P/L= $1k on 49c (Avg 4.7pt on ESTX50 and 0.2pt on ER2)

On a side note, I'm now running tradestation along with my QT/IB setup, and I hope to find some time to start learning how to use tradestation to my advantage. If there are any TS users out there that have any helpful tips you want to pass my way, feel free to comment or leave me an email. So far I've had no latency issues or computer freezing while running both programs (the TS data is still delayed right now because I haven't purchased the data feed). I'm wondering if I can get my TS charts to look like some of my QT tick charts, which I doubt. The only thing that is bugging me right now is that I can't zoom in and out on my chart windows using the scroller on TS, unlike a feature that QT has, and it takes more time to switch chart formats.


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