
Friday 7 September 2007

Message to My Fellow Traders

Thanks for all the comments from the readers of this blog. I think I'm only going to trade from now on with the max size of 2 contracts while I work on taking only my trade signals. I'm also going to do my best to stop trading once I've hit a $1,000 loss. I'm also only going to trade when I don't have to leave early for work so I don't fill rushed.

These last 2 weeks have been stressful. I work a fulltime 40hr/week job, and I've also started back to college. I've already got a BS degree, but I've decided to go back to school to become a nurse because the degree I got isn't working for me/or I haven't put it to use, I guess. So, I've essentially got 2 fulltime jobs, because I'm taking 12 units at college. The last 2 weeks I've also been trading in the morning before work/school, so I've been busy to say the least. I believe trading less size during these next few months will help me enormously, both emotionally, and because I won't have to worry about managing a huge trade when I have to leave for work or school. (You people out there probably think I'm crazy now, either from going back to school to become a nurse, or because of my busy schedule). I would've liked to have been a business major in college and turned out to go the route Yaser Anwar has gone (I wonder how he's doing by the way), but instead during this time period I wanted to become a Doctor. Unfortunately I didn't make good enough grades, partly do to my action of getting into trading (You see, Trading has ruined my life already, Yeppee!) So now I've lowered my standards to become a nurse. It'll be a middle income hard working steady job that I can rely on while I continue my endless pursuit of becoming rich from trading stocks,,,,,,,,sheeesshh,,,,pity the fool..........
IF you people out there got any bright ideas, pass them my way. I'm not sure why I've turned this blog into a more personal one, but I guess I don't have many friends (who has time for friends with my schedule), so some of you out there are supporters of this blog, and I want to thank you all for checking up on me. The trading community really is a small community, and you start to get to know the regulars after while.
So Thanks once again everybody.


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