
Wednesday 26 September 2007

Sep 26 $123 on 4 contracts

Traded an hour. I know my P/L is small, but at least I'm still trading and not losing money. I'm trying to be more patient with my trades and I'm going back to what worked in the past, which was averaging into trades and waiting for my signals.
NYSE A/D is bullish this morning. Expecting continued strength into the close, but not without some mid-day chop on this light volume.

I watched the weirdest movie last night called BUG!
The movie starred Ashley Judd and 2 other guys. I must say, Ashley Judd looked like crap in the movie. The first 45min was really lame, and I was wondering when it was going to get interesting, but the last 30min made it worth my wait. From the cover you think the movie is about Bugs that attack, when in fact it is about a paranoid schizophrenic named Peter, that believes the government implanted "bugs" underneath his skin, which ultimately leads to Ashley Judd and Peters demise. This movie made me think, is that what some schizophrenic people go thru? Wikipedia reports that 0.4-0.6% of the population have this disease, and I think that is 0.6% too much.


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