
Tuesday 11 September 2007

Sep 11 $500 on 17c

First off, I would like to take a moment in remembrance of today,,,,911

Watching this brings shivers down my spine and a tear to my eye everytime I watch it

I woke up an hour after the open, Looked at the markets and then read my comments I got this morning, and then I said to myself, "mother FUCKERS!".

I got something special for you guys.......

To tell you guys the truth, I like the hateful comments. It inspires me to beat the shit out of these markets. It is just what I need. Kick me in the nuts and then spit in my eye and then help me up only to do it over again.

Anyway, the headlines this morning read something like this,,,"markets jump,,,,blah, blah, blah, Bernanke,,Blah,blah, blah."

PS. Herb Greenbuger on CNBC just said that he doesn't think the FED cares about the stock market. Do they? What say you?

I actually followed my trade system today, trading a max size of 2 contracts and taking 75% of my signals.

P/L= $500 on 17c

I was thinking about posting videos of me, my trading, and my pathetic life,,,,because, well, I like video taping myself because it entertains me and lets me make light of all my failures and successes. Kinda like the Suck my nasdaq guy. If you guys are down to see some of my videos, leave me a comment and I'll try to post some.

Do you think AAPL is going to take a crap next month,,,,why, I don't know, but after watching this hot chick and reading about all those refunds from Mr. Jobs makes me think there will be some skepticism in the forward progress of the stock....

I'm going to school now, then later to work. I'm not going to procrastinate, I'm going to go read some books and get ahead in my studies, FUCK you MR Market! You won't fuck up my life again.............


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