
Friday 4 January 2008

Down she goes

Well, I got home late last night from work, made my post about my loss near midnight, and then I opened up my charts and started trading. I traded thru the night getting no sleep until about 8:30am at which time the power at my house went out due to a wicked storm. I ended up grabbing some good profits before I lost power by getting a crude oil short, ER2 long scalp(stupid), and I took a loss on CELG Long when the market rolled over around 7:30am. I would have kept trading longer but the power went out at my house and I ended up having to call my broker and pay the $30 commission to close out the remaining positions I had open. The last I checked my P/L was about $2,800 for the day. I'm using my sisters wireless labtop to make this post because my power is still down at my house.

Overall I recouped from my big loss from yesterday and I feel better mentally. I wish I would have caught the huge selloff in ER2 the last few days, but I haven't been keeping up on the markets as much as I should have been because things have been crazy at my work and I'm still working on setting up my computer and charts.

If you are long, you are likely in pain.


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