
Monday 21 May 2007

May 21 Anatomy of a blow up day $-8K

P/L= $-8,100

It would be wrong not to post today's performance, because it is REAL, and it shows that I'm human and mess up just like everyone else. I was short YM, covered and lost 2k, went long ER2 at its tops and sold for a 2k loss, went short ER2 and lost 4k. The divergences messed me up. I tried trading longer time frames then my usual scalping while holding large size. As a result I traded badly, trying to get back to breakeven. I'm looking at a few things where I might be able to trade large size and look for 5 ticks per scalp. Today was definitely a depressing day. I'm going to go back to scalping and trading my usual size, because that is what has worked the best in the past. I should stick with trading ER2 as well, because I'm not as good at trading YM. It's funny that I drew in arrows to where ER2 would go today on Sunday night, yet I totally ignored that ER2 was traveling there because I was trading YM and focusing in on it. I've added a new label - tagged- trading blow up. For all the people that thought that it wasn't possible to win everyday, well, here it is, my blowup day. Lets see how much I can lose tommorow from revenge trading and trying to make it all back in 1 day! (NOT)


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