
Tuesday 29 May 2007

May 29 Trade Summary $706

Could only trade the first 4 hours. I'm not sure if it was the market or me today, but I did really bad. I did some major churning today, mainly during the first 2 hours. I did 132 round turns trading ER2; that's about $600 just in commissions. Looks like Oil and Financials are weak and tech's are relatively strong today. I was looking at a new trading technique today, and I think that may have affected my trading. Also, there seemed to bearish divergence between the A/D lines of the exchanges and the price of the indices until the market turned at 8:30am.

P/L= $706

It looks like IB made an error on my trade summary log today, I only did 132 round turns, which makes since according to the gross and net P/L.


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